In Memory of






Condolence From: Jane Meyer
Condolence: Dawn, I wIll sure miss your mom (glass of wine in hand) at Bev's fundraiser this year, she was always such a positive presence and ready to help wherever needed! She leaves many fond memories behind... Love and deepest sympathy to you and your family, Jane
Tuesday August 01, 2017
Condolence From: Michele
Condolence: Aunt Helene, You were the best Godmother that I could have ever asked for. I always knew that I was special to you because you did everything that you could to make me feel that way. My heart is broken and my world will never be the same. Thank you for being my Godmother, my aunt, and my friend.Give Uncle John a big hug for me. Rest well...I love you. Michele
Monday July 31, 2017
Condolence From: Tim, Ronn, and Marshall
Condolence: Helene will always be in our hearts and missed dearly.
Sunday July 30, 2017